Next Generation 'iPhone 5' Teased In WSJ Report: What Will It Look Like?

   A recent article in the Wall Street Journal suggested that Verizon is planning to offer Apple's iPhone in early 2011.
  There was yet another Apple rumor in the Journal's piece: According to "people briefed on the phone," Apple is currently working on its next-generation iPhone, unofficially called the "iPhone 5" or "iPhone 5G."
    The Wall Street Journal wrote, "One person familiar said the fifth-generation iPhone would be a different form factor than those that are currently available, said one person familiar with the new iPhone plan [sic]. It was unclear how soon that version would be available to Verizon or other carriers."
    Although the tight-lipped Apple has made no mention of an "iPhone 5," there has been speculation aplenty. Here's what people are saying about Apple's (rumored) next generation iPhone:
CNET's David Carnoy lists the most important features that an iPhone 5 should have. His top five include 4G network compatibility, a brand new operating system (iOS 5), fewer failed and dropped calls, more carriers in addition to AT&T (Verizon, for example), better battery life, and improved 3D graphics.
   Fast Company says that the iPhone 5 could be RFID-enabled, meaning it will function like a credit card. "[Y]ou'll be able to pay wirelessly by waving [the phone] over a panel at the point of sale," Fast Company explains, citing a design patent submitted by Apple.
TechRadar predicts that Apple will announce the fifth-generation iPhone next summer: "Apple's established a rhythm with iPhone releases, with new models appearing in late June or early July each year. It's a safe bet that the iPhone 5 release date will also be late June or early July."
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   iLounge speculates there is also a slim chance the device could get a January 2011 release date, which would be the most effective way to finally kill the iPhone 4's "antennagate" reception issues.
Presumably, the iPhone 5 would also address the "death grip" reception issues reported by many iPhone 4 users, as well as the durability of the phone's glass screen. Gdgt speculates that "glassgate" could be next for the iPhone 4: "Apple has apparently found that non-bumper style cases -- specifically those that slide onto the iPhone 4, which are occasionally prone to particulate matter getting caught between the rear of the phone and the case -- can cause unexpected scratching that could quickly develop into full-on cracking or even much larger fracturing of the entire rear pane of glass."
We want to know what you think: What features do you hope the iPhone 5 will have? What do you think the iPhone 5 will look like? Send us your design ideas for the iPhone 5 using the "Add a Slide" tool (below). We'll feature the best on HuffPost Tech.
(Check out Apple concepts here or below for inspiration)

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